Wine tasting @ Pupitres boutique of wine culture
Beautiful time with wine
Pupitres is not just a regular wine bar in the center of Zagreb, it is someone’s life, a life of sommelier Jelena Šimić Valentić who had the vision to share all her knowledge and love towards wine to all the people who have the desire to learn and try all the wines beauty and heritage. Jelena will introduce you to Croatian’s best wine & bites (prosciutto, cheese, bruschetta, olive, and pumpkin oil) and guide you trough Croatian wine regions with a glass of wine in your handYou will be introduced to Croatians best authentic wines through a short presentation of wine regions. Our sommeliers will tell you all the wines secrets and interesting information about wine producers and that specific region. You will try Croatian best prosciutto, cheese, bread, olive, and pumpkin oil and have a chance to experience different parts of Croatia through best food and authentic wine.Learn about local wines with sommelir Jelena Šimić Valentić
You will be introduced to Croatians best authentic wines through a short presentation of wine regions. Our sommeliers will tell you all the wines secrets and interesting information about wine producers and that specific region. You will try Croatian best prosciutto, cheese, bread, olive, and pumpkin oil and have a chance to experience different parts of Croatia through best food and authentic wine“Tasting of Croatian Wines and Bites was a delightful experience with a very friendly and knowledgeable hostess. While learning about Croatian wines, we found out a great deal about the land and its vineyards. Pupitres is a charming place and the bites were delicious too. Thank you, Jelena, and congratulations for your fine work. It is clear you put your heart into it. ! I am pleased to highly recommend this experience!” – Maria ElisaWine boutique for PR events
Usluge osmišljavanja, pripreme i vođenja vinskog bara na posebno organiziranim događajima
PR agencije i organizatori događanja koji na svojim događanjima žele učiniti iskorak od uobičajenog cateringa, kroz ovu uslugu dobivaju profesionalnu podršku u odabiru i nadzoru cateringa, osmišljavanju menija i ponude vina i osvježenja za goste.
Organizacija povremenih stručnih događaja, seminara i sajmova
Kao referentna točka stručnog znanja na području vina, organiziramo sajmove, stručna događanja, seminare i slične aktivnosti namijenjene prvenstveno za članove struke, ali i za zainteresirano građanstvo. Aktivnosti se provode samostalno i u suradnji s partnerima.